Jamiu Agboke

Bio & Selected works

Capturing sensations of his daily life, Jamiu Agboke seeks to construct a scaffold that links how we negotiate our senses of being with our ways of perceiving the world around us. Figures seem to shirk fixed positions; they drift, phasing through space, time and certainty, vividly engaging with their environments as equally as they cunningly elude them. Agboke’s compositions flow like a fleeting rhythmic melody, escaping any sense of permanent palpability while simultaneously committing to confidently collide into reality, albeit for brief, transient moments in time.

For Agboke, subverting mundane, day-to-day objects is a mode of revisiting. Humour is used as an avenue that can facilitate dealing with darker issues; figures and objects present more than any of their preconceived meanings or signals suggest.
Selected works: